School's Out!
We made it to the end of the year. As school years go, this one was great. I had some wonderful volunteers who really helped make things run smoothly in the library. I am so appreciative of all the hours they devoted to our students. I did put together some appreciation gifts to send them off on summer vacation.
The tags read: "I'm soda-lighted to have you as a volunteer this year" and the one for my aide said, "I'm soda-lighted to be together again". I found the swirl suckers on line and the candy sticks at the local party supply store. They each got a gift card to a local restaurant which is in the pocket on the back of the tag. They all seemed to love their gifts.
I've been on a bit of a break from my blog but, I hope to be back in the swing now that school is out and I can regroup a bit. So thanks for stopping by and I'll talk to you again soon.