Sunday, January 27, 2013

Still going...

I'm still on track with my 365 project.  The prompt for this picture was "bright", I was up early (5:30) on a Saturday to try to capture the sun rise.  This was shot the first few seconds of the sun coming up over the mountains.  In just that few seconds it got really bright.  The month is flying by I can't believe we'll be in February  by the end of the week.  Have a great week and stay warm.

I'll talk to you again soon.

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Week 3

My 365 project continues, this was my favorite shot of the week.  It's been fun to see how different everyone's interpretation of the daily inspiration plays out.  Sometimes you see a lot of the same kind of shot and other days they are all wildly different.  Well, I have a day off tomorrow and I'm trying to decide... sleep in or get up early and try to catch another sunrise in my viewfinder.  Hmmm, we'll have to wait and see how the morning goes. 

Have a great week, I'll talk to you again soon.

Monday, January 14, 2013

365 project

This was a tough week to get a daily photograph done.  But, I did it.  This was my favorite shot from this week.  The prompt for the day:  Movement.  Hope you have a wonderful week, I talk to you again soon.

Sunday, January 6, 2013

365 photography challenge

OK, so in an effort to improve my photography skills and make myself get out and take pictures I decided to challenge myself to take at least one picture everyday.  There are lots of these challenges on the web but I decided to join in on one at Capture your 365.  There is a daily challenge topic if you get stuck with not knowing what to take a picture of and I like getting the email every morning to get my brain kick started on an idea for a shot.  

Of course not all shots will be planned since most days I leave just after sunrise and come back home just before or just after sunset, guess that's why it's a challenge, ha!  This was my favorite picture this week.  The topic was "repetition" this picture has a couple of different repetition elements to it, first is the lines and hardware and second it reminded me of how many times I have opened and closed card catalog drawers, repeatedly (before there was on-line catalogs).  I plan to post my favorite picture of the week to keep you up to date with my little project.  Wish me luck!

I'll talk to you again soon.

Wednesday, January 2, 2013

A touch of snow

Our first little snow of the year.  I didn't venture out too far, just to the edge of the driveway where I found this bauble in the front yard.  It must have blown over from the neighbors house.  I took a picture before cleaning it off and running it back over the them.

Just a dusting and it was gone by noon.  It was pretty while it lasted though.

I'll talk to you again soon.

Tuesday, January 1, 2013

Happy New Year

There are interesting times ahead, but my wish for each of you in the new year, is that it be filled with challenges, triumphs, and love.

I'll talk to you again soon.