Monday, December 12, 2011

Christmas Cowboy Cookies

This is day 12 in my personal creative challenge

This evening it was more baking for the neighbor's treat trays.  I was trying a new recipe for cowboy cookies.  There are several versions on the web and I read just about all of them.  I decided to use Bakerella's version to start off with but, I hit a few snags.  My first problem was I thought I had enough oats in the cabinet but when I opened the container... no joy, not enough for the recipe.  But in that same cabinet I had a bag of "Bare Naked granola" and that got me thinking, these cookies are flexible enough to have lots of goodies in them why not substitute the oatmeal with granola.  Okey Dokey, in the bowl it went.  Next, I had no pecans!  What!!! how could I have no pecans.  Well, I didn't and I wasn't going out in the rain/ice/snow to pick some up so I guess there'll be no pecans in this batch.  I added the rest of the ingredients and as I was mixing,  the dough was very dry and was not going to hold together to bake.  Again I though to my self, what should I add, milk? nah, I think I was channeling Paula Dean,  so I added more butter and another egg, better,  but now it was a little too sticky so I added more flour.  Are you getting the picture?  The stuff in the bowl kept getting bigger and bigger!  Finally, the first batch went into the oven.  They smelled really good, they didn't look bad, I sort of let them cool and tried one.  MMMM, I think I'm on to something.  

They have the chewy texture of an oatmeal cookie, lots of chocolate goodness, and the coconut adds another layer of texture and taste.  My adventurous DH tried one (after they'd cooled for a couple of minutes) He pronounced them tasty.  Okay, guess these will make it on to the treat trays after all.

I'm off to take another batch out of the oven.  Sleep well, and I'll talk to you again soon.

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