Saturday, December 3, 2011

Day 3 creative personal challenge

Whew! just made it.  I've been away from home the majority of the day, but I was able to get a card made for a care package that is leaving tomorrow for a friend stationed in Korea.  That was first thing this morning about 7:30 am, but I only got home a few minutes ago to post.  I guess that's why it's called a challenge, right?  My goal is to use this activity to manage my time better, to use those quick minutes productively rather than squander them.   I know when I've been able to be creative in some small way during the day I feel like I've accomplished something and that gives me a little more joy.  When I get to make or do something for someone else that brings them a little joy, that just adds to the feeling.

There is still time, do something this evening that brings you joy, and if it is for someone else... that's all the better!  I'll talk to you again soon.

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